One day into this project (meaning, yesterday), I already ran into some snags.
I was trying to decide whether to upload posts in order chronologically or some other way, when I noticed some weird stuff:
- The backup files I have are named by their titles, with no mention of their dates in the filenames, and I backed a lot of them up on the same day, so the modified date doesn't help at all.
- For some reason, I saved most of the posts as .webarchive files, which is horribly inconvenient for purposes of this project. I will have to convert that information into some other format before I can actually put them here. That will take some time.
- Some of the backups lost all of their formatting in Myspace before I was able to grab them (something that happened toward the end), so I will have to get in there and put them back in their intended form, if I can even remember the intended form.
There are probably more snags I will discover soon.
So anyway, this is going to take some time to fix. My intention was to get in and repost a handful of entries each day until they were all up, starting yesterday, but that didn't happen and will be harder than I anticipated. Anyone anxious to read them (believe it or not, there are probably actually two people anxious to read them - I'm not narcissistic enough to think the general public gives a rat's ass about any of this) will have to be patient with me.
So, bear with me. All will be right in the end. I just have to figure this out.
Love, as always,